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The power of connections: how to network to achieve your professional goals.

The power of connections: how to network to achieve your professional goals.

Networking for employment

Networking is an essential part of any job search, and it's important to do it effectively. It is feasible that your connections and contacts can provide you with a recommendation for a job, and help you access unadvertised job opportunities that are part of the 80% of hidden vacancies. 

The relationships you have may allow you to meet a new employer or increase your knowledge in the sector you are interested in. Therefore, it is possible to find a job by creating and maintaining a network of contacts, but it requires investing time, activating and properly managing this network.

1. Define your objective‍.

Before you start networking, it is important to be clear about what you are looking for. Define your career goal and think about the people who could help you reach that goal. If you have a clear idea of what you are looking for, it will be easier to identify the right people to talk to.

2. Create a list of contacts

‍Makea list of contacts who could help you in your job search. This could include friends, family, former co-workers, professors, mentors, and anyone else you know in the industry you are interested in.

3. Use social networks

‍Socialnetworks are a powerful tool for networking. LinkedIn is especially useful for connecting with professionals in your field. Create a LinkedIn profile that reflects your skills and experience and start connecting with relevant people in your industry.

4. Attend professional events

‍Professionalevents are a great way to network and meet people in your field. Search for events online and attend them to meet new people and make valuable connections.

5. Be proactive

‍Don'twait for opportunities to come to you. Be proactive and look for ways to offer value to the people you connect with. Ask them how you can help them and offer your skills and knowledge to help where you can.

6. Keep a positive attitude

‍Jobhunting can be stressful, but it is important to maintain a positive and focused attitude. Keep an open mind and network on a consistent basis. You never know when a valuable connection may arise.

Effective networking is essential in the job search. By creating and managing a network of contacts, you will be able to access job opportunities that would otherwise not be available to you. It is important to be proactive, maintain a positive attitude and be focused on your goals. Also, remember that networking is not just about seeking help, but also about offering value to the people you connect with. By following these tips, you can make valuable connections in your field, expand your knowledge and increase your chances of getting the job you want. Don't underestimate the power of effective networking in your job search!