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Pulse Surveys, the way to improve employee feedback.

Pulse Surveys, the way to improve employee feedback.
November 8, 2023

It is very clear that when we need to improve the customer experience, we usually conduct satisfaction surveys, and with that information we make the necessary changes to improve customer service, but what about the employee experience, does anyone take it into account?

The common way to receive employee feedback that many companies use is the annual work climate survey, but that is changing and transforming into a more effective way, the Pulse Surveys. 

What are pulse surveys?

These are quick and frequent surveys that basically seek to "take the pulse" of the environment among employees. This type of survey is gaining momentum because of the search for better ways to increase employee engagement levels.

The key to this type of survey is to actively listen to employees' problems within their workspace. This allows to generate constant reports on the opinions and concerns within the organization, and thus monitor the evolution of the measures used to improve these aspects, in order to improve more and more constantly thanks to the insights collected.

Before applying one of these Pulse Surveys, the following important aspects must be taken into account, in order to be able to apply real changes and not only have more constant opinions. 

  • What are we measuring?
  • What do we want to learn?
  • How are we going to measure it?
  • How long will we follow this topic?
  • Who are the people to whom the survey is addressed?
  • What will we do with the data obtained, what next?

Here are some occasions when these pulse surveys may be useful to you: 

  • Evaluate and monitor a specific phase in the work life of an employee, such as hiring, change of area, country, etc. 
  • Capture insights on what an employee's experience is and how it can be improved.
  • Experience with work methodologies. 

Tools such as officevibe, 6Q, Tinypulse or Typeform can be great allies to create this type of pulse surveys.